
Shirin Siddiqui

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About Me

Main information about me

I'm Shirin Siddiqui and a

Hi! My name is Shirin Siddiqui. I am a AI LLM Developer , Experienced Senior Software Engineer with more than 5 years of expertise in developing scalable backend applications using Python. Proficient in designing high-volume data processing pipelines and familiar with machine learning infrastructures. Adept at leading cross-functional teams and mentoring junior engineers, with a track record of delivering complex, multi-engineer projects efficiently for big enterprises

Some About my Abilities

I have spearheaded innovative projects in AI and LLM integration, notably developing an in-house sales AI chatbot using OpenAI LLMs and Huggingface embedding models. My role involved leading the design and implementation of AI-driven features to enhance customer engagement and operational efficiency. In addition to these AI-focused initiatives, I have a rich background in software development with experience in creating robust payment systems for high-profile clients like Meta and CSPDCL. My expertise extends to training new developers, support staff, and project managers, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle complex projects efficiently. Beyond these, I have contributed significantly to various banking solutions and have a strong academic background in AI, evidenced by my post-graduation in Artificial Intelligence from Georgian College.

NodeJs - 5 years of experience, Express95%
Python - 5 years of experience, Django95%
Php - 4 years of experience, Codeigniter, Laravel95%
SQL - 5 Years of Experience98%
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React - 5 Years of Exprience75%
OpenAI & huggingface llms and Vector Databases - 2 years of total experience90%

Projects & Achievements

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